Since any food is capable of causing an allergic reaction, our company has comprised a list of what is considered a major food allergen. The 8 listed below are considered major food allergens by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and FARE (Food Allergy Research and Education). All of the material that was provided to Snow Ingredients, Inc. about the ingredients used in the manufacturing of its products did acknowledge the major 8 allergens. However, not all of the material provided made mention of items that are considered sensitive agents (ex. Celery, sesame, corn, sulfites ….) If the information that was provided to Snow Ingredients Inc. included these sensitive agents, then it has been added to the flavor description. If a particular allergen or sensitive agent is not mentioned in the flavor description, then it is assumed that it may be present. Please see the abbreviations in the legend below.
G = No Gluten 8 = does not contain one of the major 8 allergens below: (Peanuts or peanut derivatives) (Tree nuts) (Dairy or Dairy Derivatives) (Eggs or Egg Derivatives) (Soy or Soy Derivatives) (Wheat or Wheat Derivatives) (Fish) (Shellfish) SE = No Sesame SU = No Sulfites > 10 ppm in the ingredient used in production of the concentrate C = No Celery AP = Allergens present on same production line and are present in the facility, but are not listed as present in ingredients used.
this is for the nutrition

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